Alden was special guest at the 15th Anniversary of the McDonald's in Bataan as one of the celebrity endorser.
We know, visit the event store and are consequently only a small branch there, so they put the biggest venue in Balanga, Bataan.
Okay and actually many people. RC allegedly being out tickets for maybe prevent a riot in quantity, but, we were surprised just how many people and wild fans and would of course influence selfie or even come to Alden.
Given that almost everyone wants to have a picture but in many 'yun, impossible.
In the first run just Alden on stage to sing, the audience crazy that we know how, just 'others, nakakasampa on stage! And incoming Alden just said standby area, and yet because of the many lurking.
Should perhaps have a photo op or autograph signing it with their chosen or early birds maybe, but not go through because the second time out of Alden on stage, on stage as most of the fans!
We like to think that they are inefficient Bataan for an event to a famous actress the present excessive deficit since the security and security hardly knew what to do.
And we have been impressed by Alden because even though she fad and we see there are really draws people here and possibly hurt as well, we have not seen any complaint.
In fact, he smiled to answer, "It's okay, it's okay."
He still had those identified, especially the entertainment press and fellow Kapuso stars nice indeed.
Anyway, not just out of the van carrying Alden because people adhere to it and do not want to leave!
On the other hand, after the event had us on Facebook read some fans complaining because they allegedly came to the "fans day" by Alden in Bataan.
Where did the idea to this day fans because obviously, even the tickets sold by McDonald that it was a "fun day" and not a fans day.
Unlike the two letters of fun and fan but far different meaning.
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